about us
Ending Tobacco’s Grip On Our Nation Begins With Our Youth.
Creative Spirits was founded in 1979 by Jihadah Sharif. We are a non-profit community organization that uses the performing arts as a base for building community betterment, education, self-realization, and constructive use of idle time. Major emphasis is placed on involvement in crime. Program participants gain encouragement and positive reinforcement thus becoming imbued with motivation to fulfill personal achievement.
Creative Spirits is community driven and people managed.
Creative Spirits programs targets at-risk youth who can be helped through the intervention methods we provide. We build on their creative energies and place the youth where they are most content according to their needs and abilities. Thousands of our youth who should be going to school to gain the tools that they need to function effectively on this planet have decided that school is a low priority on their must list of things to do. Our goal is to change that. Below are some of our core programs:
The Development Workshop:
Encourages positive growth and learning skills. How to use your imagination, how to concentrate can help solve problems on everyday life helping to develop good listening skills good memory and good learning skills.
The Patch Up The Cracks:
This program was designed to pick up where the justice system leaves off. We will place the offenders in a constructive environment that will provide them with an edge to compete and the odds that they can achieve. Working with the courts and probation department we will keep an adequate account of their activities and report to the courts on a daily basis.
I Am My Brother’s Keeper:
We work with youth who have been identified as gang members and expose them to a positive environment and help them to organize to become businessmen and leaders of our society.
The Ministry Of Justice Committee:
Helps assure that our courts provide equal access to a fair and effective system of just for all with sensitivity to an increasingly diverse society.
Breaking The Chain:
A smoking cessation program. (Instead of Burning Up Our Bodies, Lets Build Up Our Communities) This program will help to encourage a healthy way of living. a lot of money is spent on tobacco and other negative behavior that can better spent on housing, education and social programs. In this program we will teach the proper food to eat and exercise.
Our Promise To You
Creative Spirits of the State of NJ is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. As part of our mission to address Tobacco’s Influence On America’s Youth, we believe in inclusiveness of all groups. It is our goal to provide transformative learning experiences for our audience so that they have a greater sense of self and the world around them.
Relaxed & Friendly
Our Programs Are Tailored To Suit You
Our Mission
To cultivate, inspire and support the study and presentation of the performing, visual and literary arts within our community, and to foster public interest in and support of the arts in West Orange and our surrounding community.
Our Vision
The West Orange Arts Center offers enriching and innovative programs and events that make art accessible to everyone in our community. Our programs are designed to inspire creativity — artist talks, lecture series, panel discussions, film screenings, and hands-on art-making events.
We appreciate your support of our endeavors.
Our Commitment
Through arts exhibitions, education, community outreach, and arts programming, the WOAC strives to enrich and enliven the quality of life of the residents of the Township of West Orange.
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- Molestie in varius nibh semper
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- Ac sapien ut cursus sit
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